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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 123-132 of 364 total.
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White Pacer
Corgi model Pacer
123. These are two pictures submitted by Kevin Murphy.
Hamburg Pacer
124. This is "a black-and-white photo of a shiny black AMC Pacer, although it's *sigh* not my own. I fell in love with the Pacer when I was visiting Florida as a five year old. Years later I saw a Pacer in my home town, Hamburg. I did not waste a minute, took a picture and never had to make awful drawings again when asked what my favourite car was. Now I'll refer people to the Pacer page...

"BTW: I never watched Wayne's World (shame on me), but that's because nobody told me it features a Pacer! ;)" -Alexander Svensson

Mudd's Pacer
125. "Just wanted to share the good news with someone!!! I got myself a '77 Pacer wagon! Yeahhhhhh..." -Mudd

126. GK55 was kind enough to provide this image of the adorable "Love Pacer" button from the 70s.
Iceland Pacer
127. This picture comes from Hilmar Karlsson in Iceland. A friend of his bought the car a few years ago for the sole purpose of travelling across the country for a party. Unfortunately, he sold it in the spring of 1999... but notice the way-cool Wayne's World paint job!
Bad side of Brandon Ankeny's car 1
Bad side of Brandon Ankeny's car 2
128. "I stopped and chatted with Brandon back in February, and took some pictures. This is the rarely-seen 'bad' side of his Pacer. Notice the van in the background. That is Nationwide Clyde, my van. Also note the vacuum." -Tim Hansen
The Pacer Page Pacer on the road!
129. "The Pacer Page Pacer somewhere in Kentucky. Taken during my 1997 trip to Oregon." -Glen Hoag
Rob's Pacemaker
130. "Here's [my pacer], but it's a little different. It has a 360 cubic inch Chrysler engine in it and is a race car now, ha ha. It's called the PACEMAKER." -Rob L.
P^3 and Tim Hansen's Pacers
131. "Things are kind of strange right now- my Pacer 'Emily' hasn't been driven since last October [1998]; it sits under a tarp in my backyard. But, this summer, a custom project is going to completely change it. I *was* going to restore, but the rust got sooo bad, it's either spend a fortune on a rebody or cut out all the bad metal and replace it. If we go stock, well, we don't have the skills to go stock. But, we can craft some wild fender flares. I have a buddy who wants to sheetmetal over the rear side windows (mine's a Wagon) and build a mini-panel-van out of it, and then build one of those car-stereo showcases in it. I said, OK, but only if we balance it to my tastes. (I'm not much for that ridiculous heavy bass sound. I'm one of a small but fervent group of midrange/treble fans...think early Talking Heads...hey, I drive....well....OWN a Pacer. You expect normalcy?) The first objective is to have it running. I hope to drive it to the NAMDRA meet in August down in Cordova, IL.

"Eventually, I want to find a nice '77 X coupe.

"Anyhow, I was digging through my photos, and found this one taken with Glen Hoag when he was out to get the stuff from my parts Pacers. This photo has four Pacers on my property at one time. The PX3 (P.acer P.age P.acer), my Emily, and the two parts cars, representing the whole range of Pacer development- '75-'79 (although the distinctive '79 hood had already been removed and packaged for shipping!)." -Tim Hansen

AMO Nationals Pacers
132. "This beige 1980 Pacer wagon (one of the last ones) was at the AMO Nat's last year in Kenosha, on the show field on Friday night. In the background is Emily, my '77 wagon." -Tim Hansen