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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 13-22 of 364 total.
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Junk pacer :(
13. A sight a Pacer enthusiast never wants to see. It speaks for itself, but boy, is it scary! (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
Blue Pacer Wagon
Blue Pacer Wagon
Blue Pacer Wagon
14. From Early Bender-Werth's Pacer collection in Richmond, VA. Quite some time ago, his collection was for sale. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
Two-tone Orange Pacer
Two-tone Orange Pacer
15. From Early Bender-Werth's Pacer collection in Richmond, VA. Two Pacers for the price of one in the top picture, but check out the super-spiffy, two-tone paint job on the orange Pacer! Quite some time ago, his collection was for sale. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
Brown V-8
A peek under the hood of a Pacer V-8
16. From Early Bender-Werth's Pacer collection in Richmond, VA. A brown Pacer wagon, and a peek under the hood at its V-8. Quite some time ago, his collection was for sale. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
Pacer Limited
Pacer Limited
Pacer Limited
17. Also from Early Bender-Werth's Pacer collection in Richmond, VA. One of the jewels of the Pacer line, the Limited was the luxury Pacer. Note the interior leather and moonroof. Quite some time ago, his collection was for sale. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
MirthMobile (shot 2)
MirthMobile (shot 3)
18. The Pacer's Hollywood cousin! All three of the cars in the pictures to the left were used in the movie Wayne's World and its sequel. Note the flames on the convertible, and the lack of flames on the other coupe -- the latter was used for interior shots during filming. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen -- all three pictures came from John Rosa's Car Stars of Film and Television.)

Editor's note: As I'm writing this entry, on the evening of 19 June 1997, I just returned from a drive in my car (not the Pacer -- that would have been too scary), where I heard "Bohemian Rhapsody" on Cleveland's WNCX 98.5 FM.
Yellow Pacer (from brochure)
19. An image from the original AMC Pacer factory brochure. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen, borrowed from the now-defunct Internet Pacer Club.)
 Packin' pacer
20. Hot Wheels' version of this beloved automobile: The Packin' Pacer!
Norbert Vance's Pacer X
21. A photo collage of Norbert Vance's red Pacer X. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen, borrowed from The AMX Files.)
Carhenge Gremlin
22. A photo of Carhenge, Alliance, Nebraska's replica of Stonehenge. Covered in whitewash, look for the Pacer lookalike just right of center in the top picture! In the bottom photo, the Pacer's little cousin, a Gremlin. Borrowed from a couple Carhenge site.