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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 173-182 of 364 total.
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Pacer interior with woman
173. Pacer with basket weave interior publicity photograph. Borrowed from Wolfgang Mederle's site.
Mike Glasgow's Pacer Drawings
174. Mike Glasgow's Pacer drawings.
The Mirth Mobile at King's Island
175. Mike Glasgow's photograph of the Wayne's World Mirth Mobile at King's Island in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Rob's 76 Pacer and Gremlin
176. "76 the both are, equiped with the smaller block (232). Oddly enough they also share a common mileage reading of about 94,000. They have brought me much joy and when my petty standings have broke for way I shall indeed do with them as a force beyond a vidy back had intended." -Rob
Ft. Wayne Auto Show
177. Sheldon Rody worked at the AMC Dealership in Ft. Wayne, Indiana from 1975 to 1977. This is a picture he took at the Ft. Wayne Auto Show in 1975, when the Pacer was introduced.
Sheldon Rody's brand new 1975 Pacer X
Sheldon Rody's brand new 1975 Pacer X
Sheldon Rody's brand new 1975 Pacer X
Sheldon Rody's brand new 1975 Pacer X
178. Sheldon Rody's then brand new 1975 Pacer X, when it had only 10 miles on it.
Red Pacer Keychain
Blue Pacer Keychain
179. Red and blue Pacer keychains from eBay auctions.
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
Paul's 1979 Pacer Limited Wagon
180. This 1979 Pacer Limited wagon was sold by Paul Jeffreys of Whittier, California to Tom Bork of Richardson, Texas in September 2000. In Paul's words, "He took one look at the car and said, 'What a beauty. I will buy the car.'" Paul was the original owner of this car, and had approximately 50,000 miles on it at the time of sale.

Paul originally submitted this picture to the Pacer Page photo archives in December 1999, when he put the car up for sale.
Pat Patterson's first Pacer
Pat Patterson's first Pacer
181. Pat Patterson's first Pacer.
Jon Rice's Pacer
Jon Rice's Pacer
182. "I was just surfing the net the night before I went back to school, and I decided to look up some stuff on my first car. About one month ago I got a 1979 Pacer as a surprise. But as my parents and my older brother were bringing it home from a town about 150 miles away, it threw a piston arm out of the bottom of the engine :(. Not too big of a shock because it had 154,000 miles on it. Now it is sitting at the repair shop waiting for a new engine. I found one, but I am still waiting for it to put in the car. The paint job is terrible on it, so I am going to repaint it like the Pacer on Wayne's World.

"I have already heard the comment 'You actually paid money for that?' [even though I] have never driven it. Look at the pictures and you will see what I mean about the paint." -Jon Rice