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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 282-291 of 364 total.
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1975 Pacer with AMC designers
282. An autographed photograph of a '75 Pacer with its designers (from left): Chuck Mashigan, head of advanced design; Vince Geraci, director of interior design; Dick Teague, Vice-President of Design; Bob Nixon, director of exterior design. Vince and several of his former AMC colleagues were at the 2002 AMC convention in Kenosha, and Vince was kind enough to provide me with a copy of this photograph.
Curt Uhrin's Pacer
283. Curt Uhrin's Pacer from Clearfield, PA. I took this photograph at the national meet in July 2002.
David Gardner's Pacer
284. David Gardner's '76 Pacer from Royal Oak, Michigan, with a hand-sprayed blue-green paint job. I took this photograph at the national meet in July 2002.
Tom Altemus' Pacer
285. Tom Altemus' '77 silver/brown, four-speed wagon with bucket seats from Connecticut. I took this photograph at the national meet in July 2002.
Wisconsin Pacer
286. A Pacer from Wisconsin, in the non-club section of the Kenosha 2002 showfield. I can't recall whether I ever was able to find the owner of this car.
Biege Pacer
287. A biege Pacer in the non-club section of the Kenosha 2002 showfield, with a for sale sign in the window.
Blue Pacer X
288. A blue Pacer X, which appeared at both the cruise night at Wendy's the first night I was in Kenosha, as well as on the showfield.
Orange Pacer
289. An orange Pacer, parked off (but near) the Kenosha 2002 showfield.
Conway Twitty's Pacer
Conway Twitty's Pacer
Conway Twitty's Pacer
Conway Twitty's Pacer
Conway Twitty's Pacer
290. Conway Twitty is arguably the most famous Pacer owner. Here are pictures of his Pacer.
Jon Eisen's black '76 Pacer X
Jon Eisen's black '76 Pacer X
291. "I sold [my previous Pacer] a few months ago and I now have this one. A '76 Pacer X, 3-speed stick, 136,000 miles and still going strong. It spreads whimsy and monkeyshines on every journey. It was formerly owned by a kooky lady who worked for Hasbro toys, so she painted the headlight buckets, luggage rack and some of the chrome trim pink and turquoise. Cute, but we're in the process of correcting that." -Jon Eisen

Submitted 1 September 2002. Jon later sold this Pacer and purchased this one.