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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 3-12 of 364 total.
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From Erik Verbeek's Pacer so-called tribute
3. A photo borrowed from Erik Verbeek's now-defunct page. He drives a Suzuki motorcycle and pokes fun at Pacers with this picture. (Editor's note: IMO, he only wishes he could get his hands on something as slick as a Pacer! :) ) The (unmodified) photo is from the original 1975 sales brochure.
Carl-Johan's Pacer
4. Carl-Johan's lemon yellow Pacer (Lemon?).

Editor's Note: Several more pictures of this car appear later in the archives!

Jerry's 1977 Pacer wagon
5. Jerry's former 1977 Pacer wagon, after a collision or two. Borrowed from his (now defunct) car page in GeoCities' Motor City!
Gary Apple's Pacer beauty
6. Gary Apple's gorgeous 1976 Pacer X. Gotta wonder why he sold this one.
John Aderman's Snortin' Pacer
7. And you thought Pacers were unique enough on their own... Enter John Aderman's Nitrous-Powered Snortin' Pacer. Borrowed from his (now defunct) page.
Detroit News article picture
8. From a 1 November 1995 article in The Detroit News.
Blue Pacer
9. As of 29 May 1997, this Pacer was for sale (see Highway One Classifieds), though it's likely found a new owner by now. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)
White Pacer
10. This Pacer belongs to Debbie Koos, a member of the Alamo AMC club. Check out the miniature Pacers on the roof! (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen.)

Some additional notes from Alfred Koos:

  • "The car is listed in our club roster under 'Debbie Koos' (my sister), but the car actually belongs to Jeanne Koos (my mother). Members of my family were AMC employees going back to the Nash days. Our family had two Pacer company lease cars in the '70s, and they were always my mom's favorite. Twenty years later, she spotted this Pacer for sale in the local San Antonio paper and bought it!
  • "It's a '77 D/L with blue 'basket weave' interior. It had 70,000 original miles when she bought it in '95.
  • "The photo you have was from the 1995 'Torrado Mopar Show' in San Antonio--it was the first show we entered the car in, and on that occasion the Pacer took a first place for 'Best AMC', beating out a row of Javelins and AMXs! The little Pacers on the roof are my two vintage 'Tonka' Pacers, one yellow and one purple.
  • "The Pacer is part of a stable of Koos family cars. I have a '64 Rambler Classic, '72 Ambassador, and '85 Eagle. My older sister, Debbie, has a '70 Javelin, and her fiance races a '68 Javelin. My little sister has a '79 Spirit. My Grandpa has a '75 Pacer D/L with only 30,000 miles!"
Tim Hansen's Pacer
Tim Hansen's Pacer
Tim Hansen's Pacer
Tim Hansen's Pacer
11. Tim Hansen was finally able to send me some pictures of his Pacer! He says there's no other on the net quite like it, and I might have to agree with him.
Malcolm Talley's ex-Pacer
12. This was Malcolm Talley's Pacer until December 1996. (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen, from John Rosa's Javelin/AMX Page.)