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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 33-42 of 364 total.
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Brandon Ankeny's Green Pacer (Shot 2)
33. A second picture (the good side) of the green Pacer above, provided directly by Mr. Ankeny himself.
34. pacrnash.jpg,Eeeeek! 2,t pacrleon.jpg,Eeeeek! 3,t Sometimes I wonder why I place such sad sights in the Archives. But one cannot ignore a Pacer that's simply past its prime. While mourning the loss of these Pacers, however, take note that Jerry Casper is very helpful in retrieving Pacer parts. Also note the Nash Metropolitan beside the red Pacer. Thanks again to Tim Hansen for these pics.
SlickHB's Pacer
35.'s 3-on-the-floor 1976 Pacer.
Eddie Stakes' custom 1978 Pacer Wagon (Shot 1)
Eddie Stakes' custom 1978 Pacer Wagon (Shot 2)
36. "These are pictures of the Illustrious Eddie Stakes' custom 1978 Pacer Wagon, which services as mobile advertising for Planet Houston AMX. Check out the Cragar rims! Amusing stories: he took it to a car show once and parked it next to a black Mercedes just to tick off the owner (the '78-'80 grille bears a Mercedes resemblance). Seriously, Eddie will talk your ear off if you let him. He has bought and sold more than 200 AMC's, mostly AMX's/Javs, in the past 17 years." -Tim Hansen
A car purchased from the Illustrious Eddie Stakes (Shot 1)
A car purchased from the Illustrious Eddie Stakes (Shot 2)
A car purchased from the Illustrious Eddie Stakes (Shot 3)
37. "These are pictures of a sweet little '75 newly purchased from the aforementioned Illustrious Eddie Stakes (the illustrious is my own addition). The car was photographed at the NAMDRA (Nat'l American Motors Drivers and Racers Assn.) Nationals at Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove, WI. The car was on its maiden voyage northward under new ownership. Note the Texas plates." -Tim Hansen
Janesville WI Pacer (Shot 1)
Janesville WI Pacer (Shot 2)
Janesville WI Pacer (Shot 3)
38. "These are pics of a burgundy '79 or (gasp) '80 Pacer Wagon Limited -- it has the later door panels with overhand-grip door pull -- see Early Bender-Werth's '79 Limited Coupe interior pics. I found the car behind the Presbyterian church in downtown. To my knowledge, the car is still there." -Tim Hansen
The Spot
39. "Picture of 52,000 mile '75 at the Namdra Nationals Crusie Night at The Spot Drive-In in Kenosha, Aug. 19, 1997. Owner is a white-bearded fellow whose name I forget." -Tim Hansen
Tim's Pacer at The Spot
40. "A picture of my Pacer hanging out with the grey '75 at The Spot." -Tim Hansen
Weird Cars
Weird Cars
41. "Photos of an actual 1977 AMC Pacer mini pickup from the book Weird Cars by John A. Gunnell. Note that these type fender flares and wheel treatment are going to be applied to my Pacer when cash permits. The car appears (appropriately enough) on Page 77. Here are the actual captions..." -Tim Hansen

"Every one from Wayne and Garth to car-artist Hoop knows that the Pacer is a weird car to begin with. So a Pacer pickup truck is really extra weird. American Motors Corporation built this one in 1977. How about that Mirthmobile-type flame job?

"Just think of it as the Mirthmobile with storage room for a case of Grey Poupon. The Pacer pickup was rather short on cargo space but made up for it in cuteness. It was made by converting a Pacer station wagon into a mini-truck." -John A. Gunnell

30 August 2006: Contrary to the Weird Cars information, this Pacer pickup was actually built by famed car designer Carl Green, who customized many Pacers and other AMCs. This error was identified by Carl Green himself, Russell Cook, and Rick Green.
tHoop's Coupe
42. "This is an Art Pacer from page 14 of the above book. Here, car-artist Hoop (aka Stephen Hooper), has taken, um, creative liberties with a '77 Coupe. Here is the book caption:" -Tim Hansen

"Extinct Species is the name of car-artist Stephen Hooper's zebra-striped, fur-trimmed 1977 Pacer. Working under the name Hoop, he has done a series of cars that he paints and decorates with synthetic fur or miscelleneous items. 'The public gave me a great reaction,' he says, 'Very positive.'" -John A. Gunnell

Below the photograph of the car is Hoop himself.