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Displaying entries 361-364 of 364 total.
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Eric Thomire's Pacer in France
Eric Thomire's Pacer in France
Eric Thomire's Pacer in France
361. Eric Thomire of Normandy, France shared these photos of his '79 woody Pacer Limited 4.2L.

Submitted 23 December 2004.
Mudd's artwork
362. "I'm doing some artwork for a cafe in Arizona somewhere, so I thought some exotic sportscars and some football players would be more palletable to a cafe than my usual 'disturbing yet beautiful' surrealism. Of course I couldn't resist adding a tuned Pacer to the group. A more subtle joke that only people who know their cars would get." -Mudd

Submitted 2 January 2005.
Mike Grella's Pacer wagon
363. "This is my 1978 pacer D/L wagon. It has 49,000 original miles, 6-cyl, auto, PS, PB, AM/FM radio, and maroon velour interior. Purchased it in October from a fellow AMC lover. It needs some cosmetic touches to make it showroom again, hopefully this year sometime. It's stored away in a garage for the the winter. It will not be a daily driver, just for car shows. I love it; it's such a quirky car." -Mike Grella

Submitted 24 January 2005.
Pacer sketch by Nik Mullen
364. "Just a little sketch I did in my spare time." -Nik Mullen

Submitted 29 January 2005.

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