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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 43-52 of 364 total.
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The Glorious Life and Sad Death of AMC
43. "I had a customer today who was admiring my car, who told me of an article in a magazine about the sad demise of AMC. I told him I'd like to see it, and he went home and brought it to me on loan. The article is titled 'The Glorious Life And Sad Death of AMC'. The thing that surprised me was the magazine that it was in. The magazine is a sort of 'punk' magazine called Gearhead. It was written by a guy named Darv Teare, and covers AMC history from 1945 to the bitter end. It's only about 3 pages and is set up giving each year, and what happened in that year. It also has two very cool comic pics of a Gremlin (supercharged), and a Pacer." -Ron Evans (Photo harvesting credit: Tim Hansen)
Tim's First Drawing
44. "Inspired by Mudd and the Rat Fink-esque drawing, I drew a Pacer Picture which manages to be both a happy medium and unbelievably cute at the same time." -Tim Hansen
Tim's Second Drawing
45. "Not to be outdone by our mutual friend Mudd, I have come up with something which I think you might like, in addition to the other Pacer sketches.

"It's one serious Pacer!" -Tim Hansen

Tim Hansen's Article Teaser
46. A front page teaser for "Horror Stories from the Car-Buying World", an article Tim Hansen wrote for the Walworth County Week.
4x4 Pacer
4x4 Pacer
47. "These are pictures of an owner-built 4x4 Pacer registered in Arizona. Photographed by Pascal Monney on his Pacer Pilgrimage." -Tim Hansen

On 14 May 2004, the owner of this Pacer wrote in with the following information:
"The photos were taken in Ely, NV at the Silver State Challenge. The 4x4 Pacer has a 360 V-8 '70 Blazer front and rear ends, and a '74 International 4-speed with transfer case. The bumpers are Pacer, but doubled (bottom to bottom). There is no sub-chassis -- it is all Pacer with the rear end bolted as usual. The front was beefed up with 4-inch angle iron. The inside has custom upholstery with a scene embroidered on the top of the front seats. The car has been in 3 major publications: AMC world clubs, NAMDRA, and J. C. Whitney (inside front cover; the wife's '71 Javelin was on the front cover).

"My brother-in-law GAVE it to me in 1982. It was converted but had a 6-cyl. engine and a 3-speed transmission. I put the V-8 in and did the rest of the work. The TYLRMD license plate stands for Taylor (my brother-in-law's name), MD (my initials); hence TYLRMD. Also, it has never been down more than a week in all the years I have owned it, and it will never be sold." -Marlin "Dude" DeVoe, Kingman, AZ
The Mysterious Disappearing Pacer
48. "According to Pascal, this vehicle (registered overseas) had to disappear in 1996. I don't know if that means moved, squished, or abducted by aliens. Nice looking pic of a '79 or '80 wagon though." -Tim Hansen
Pascal Monney's Pacers
49. "Pascal's Pacers. I believe the brown one's a '77 and the grey one is a '79. Pascal seems to be on a mission to find all the Pacers in Europe." -Tim Hansen
Pascal Monney's Pacer
Pascal's Pacer
50. "Another shot of Pascal's daily driver '79. Note the neato AMC flag attached to the aerial." -Tim Hansen
One of Pascal's + two more
51. "[Three] Pacers in Europe, all in varying stages of restoration. The brown one is Pascal's, the other two are someone else's." -Tim Hansen
Goodbye... beloved friend
52. "Sadly, this Pacer is no longer with us, having died sometime in 1995. Photographed in USA on Pascal's Pacer Pilgrimage. A moment of silence for our canted-tail [friend]." -Tim Hansen