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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 53-62 of 364 total.
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California Pacer
53. "A blue Californian Pacer photographed on Pascal's Pacer Pilgrimage." -Tim Hansen
Pacer Racer
Pacer Racer
Pacer Racer
54. "Pacer a la NASCAR. Pascal met up with Pacer enthusiast and race-car driver Roger Scott on his Pacer Pilgrimage. According to these pictures, the Racer Pacer is a complete NASCAR conversion, true to the 1970's period. Note Lexan rear window, removed interior panels, fender flares, and nicely smoothed over rear license plate area (would look sharp on a custom Pacer, too). Apparently, Roger drives the car competitively. Must really be a blow to the ol' ego to have your pride-and-joy Ch*vy whupped by a PACER! Way to go, Roger!" -Tim Hansen
2 more Pacers...
2 more Pacers!
55. Two more Pacers discovered by Pascal Monney on his quest to find every Pacer in the universe.
Two-tone Bonny Blue
56. Another one of those spiffy two-tones, this one blue, unearthed by Pascal Monney's prying camera.
Mag spread
57. A magazine spread, perhaps, from Pascal Monney.
Brand New
58. Take a close look! See the 1975 Michigan plates? We've got ourselves a new Pacer here.
Pacer from the Pioneer Automobile Museum
59. "A Pacer in the ownership of Pioneer Automobile Museum of Murdo, SD, as photographed by Pascal Monney. I've personally been to Pioneer and their collection is AWESOME! They have THREE Tuckers!" -Tim Hansen
Charles Herman's '77 coupe
60. "My son, Charles Herman, got his 1977 Pacer couple for his 16th birthday. He is now 18 and a freshman at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, WA. His computer is not plugged in yet, but he would be very surprised to see his car pictured on your pages! The car is completely original, except wheels and stereo, and in showroom condition thanks to his many hours of labor and loving care. Keep those Pacers going!!" -Terry Herman
Peng's Pacer X
Peng's Pacer X (Shot 2)
61. "These are photos of my newly-acquired '76 Pacer X with rally package interior." -Roger Peng
Spiffy Pacer magnets
62. "AMC artiste Javlynn Sue Leair made some fine fridge magnets; we bought out her stock of Pacer magnets immediately." -George Paine