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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 71-80 of 364 total.
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71. "Pacer people during the evening cruise. The vehicles (L to R): 1978 D/L wagon; 1979 D/L. The people (L to R): Taunton T. Paine from Washington Grove MD; (unknown)'s husband; (unknown) from Omaha NE; Tom Altemus from Lansing MI. Note three Pacer theme t-shirts." -George Paine
72. "Pacers in the setting sun at the end of the evening cruise. The vehicles (L to R): 1975 D/L; 1978 D/L wagon; (partly obscured) 1979 D/L. The people (L to R): Horace Wildes, Elizabeth Wildes from Dover MA; (unknown) from Omaha NE; (unknown)'s husband (partly obscured)." -George Paine
Cruisin' with Chrysler
73. "Shapely Pacer front ends during the evening cruise." -George Paine
Taunton Paine behind the wheel
74. Taunton Paine behind the wheel!
Hi-res B&W 1
Hi-res B&W 2
75. Photos originally harvested from the AMC Pacer Club's web site, when it was hosted by John Rosa. Photos harvested by Tim Hansen.
Day-at-a-Time Calendar Pacer
76. "I just scanned this Dec. 17. Someone at school named Anthony gave it to me. It's a nice picture, if a rather unflattering caption. Sock on a duck's nose?" -Tim Hansen
1975 Brochure Cover
77. "Got this from an Ebay auction bulletin. Someone's auctioning off old car brochures, including several '75 AMC's." -Tim Hansen
Prisoner Pacer
78. "Another one from Pascal's Pacer Pilgrimage. Looks like a prisoner, doesn't it? Can't you just hear the harmonicas wailing?" -Tim Hansen
Pacer Pick-up
Pacer Pick-up 2
79. "What we have here is an original factory prototype Pacer Pickup, or an incredible fascimile, that has been badly neglected... Pascal's notes on this one say it's in San Diego." (Spotted by Pascal Monney, scan and quote by Tim Hansen)
Sweet Pea Pacer
80. "This sweet little Pacer is from the Peach State AMO. When was the last time you saw one that color?" -Tim Hansen

The Pacer was truly adorned in many colors of the rainbow!