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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 181-185 of 364 total.
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Pat Patterson's first Pacer
Pat Patterson's first Pacer
181. Pat Patterson's first Pacer.
Jon Rice's Pacer
Jon Rice's Pacer
182. "I was just surfing the net the night before I went back to school, and I decided to look up some stuff on my first car. About one month ago I got a 1979 Pacer as a surprise. But as my parents and my older brother were bringing it home from a town about 150 miles away, it threw a piston arm out of the bottom of the engine :(. Not too big of a shock because it had 154,000 miles on it. Now it is sitting at the repair shop waiting for a new engine. I found one, but I am still waiting for it to put in the car. The paint job is terrible on it, so I am going to repaint it like the Pacer on Wayne's World.

"I have already heard the comment 'You actually paid money for that?' [even though I] have never driven it. Look at the pictures and you will see what I mean about the paint." -Jon Rice

Speedy Pacer
183. "I found your site, and it brought back memories of my parents' '76 Pacer wagon. It handled surprisingly well. Anyway, I was 18 and my parents told me to take the car up island (Vancouver Island, BC) to pick up some paperwork, and I took my camera. :)

"I showed my Mom this picture about ten years later (hoping that there was a statute of limitations on stupidity); she wasn't impressed." -Mark Sumner

Toy Pacer
Toy Pacer
184. Two angles of a Pacer promo model submitted by Kevin Murphy.
Goofy's Pacer
Goofy's Pacer
Goofy's Pacer
Goofy's Pacer
Goofy's Pacer
Goofy's Pacer
185. Stills from Disney's 1995 movie, A Goofy Movie. Images captured by Bob Wilson and mirrored from his site.