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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 196-200 of 364 total.
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Central Oregon Silver Wagon
Central Oregon Silver Wagon
196. These pictures come with a story from the Pacer Page WebChica. Thanksgiving weekend 1999, on the road from Sunriver back home to Portland, Oregon, I was driving along at quite a nice clip, when I spotted, out of the corner of my eye, this Silver Pacer Wagon parked in front of a very run-down roadside motel. I managed to scare the living daylights out of my victim-passenger boyfriend (now husband, so I guess this didn't traumatize him too badly) as I tore off the road and skidded into the gravel parking lot. Although the Pacer was missing four hubcaps and otherwise shoddy in appearance, it was still clearly road-worthy, which certainly counts for something! In my excitement, I took some very off-center photographs, which you see displayed here.
Another shot of the Amesbury AMC dealership
197. Another shot of the AMC dealership pictured in archive number 188: "This is a dealership that is about 45 minutes from my house. The photo of the dealership and my 78 Pacer was taken back in September. The building was built back in the 1920s as a modern gas station and garage. The owner's dad bought the garage and turned it into a dealership. I think it was a Willys Jeep dealership back in the 40s and 50s. They dropped the Jeep line and took on Rambler and Land Rover. Land Rover was dropped in the erly 70s. They had AMC up to the very end. There are no parts or literature at this dealership due to the fact that I bought them all. The building is currently being used as a car repair shop by the owner of the building. He still has a CJ2A Jeep from the 40s inside." -Steve

Submitted 20 January 2000.
Ton & Diana's Pacer in the Netherlands
198. "So here's our '79 wagon, 6-cylinder. Looks good, drives even better. We've had it for a year now and never want to get rid of it again. One thing: Our hood ornament was stolen some time ago and we feel sort of naked without it now. We drive it daily, even with the fuel prices here in the Netherlands, which are $6 per gallon now!
Engine: 6-cyl. 4.2 litre, automatic transmission
Extras: PS
This one was in a garage for 5 years. In and outside very dirty and dusty. Now we are glad to be able to wash it clean.
Owner: Ton & Diana Tol
Location: Scheveningen, The Netherlands" -Ton & Diana Tol

Submitted 21 January 2000.
Harrel Lamkin's new Pacer
199. "Weird" Harrel Lamkin wrote to share a picture of his new Pacer: "Live long and drive a Pacer! I thought that one up myself! How are you doing? A friend of mine I hadn't seen for years, came by last week and gave me [a Racing Champions diecast]. I guess I'm still remembered for my Pacer race car. I found another one - It will be a street driven car. Here is my daughter giving it a wash." -Harrel Lamkin

Submitted 25 January 2000.
Joachim's Phacer
200. "I enjoyed so much visiting your website loaded with phantastic pacer photos. If you like you can add my 'still sleeping' project to your gallery. I own a '79 V8 Pacer Limited. After driving it a few years, it has been stored 14 months now (after an engine crackdown) and waiting for my busy hands. Unfortunately I haven't got enough time, cause there is too much work in my own business as a freelance architect." -Joachim Haider (from Berlin, Germany)

Submitted 27 January 2000.