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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 211-215 of 364 total.
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Mark Lehman's Pacer
211. Mark Lehman wrote: "My name is Mark Lehman and this is my '77 Pacer wagon that I bought one week ago. My dad had a new one back in '76. I forgot how much fun these cars are to drive! Its a 77 D/L, Autumn Red with woodgrain trim, p/s, p/b, auto, am/fm radio."

Submitted 25 May 2000.
Jostein's Pacer
212. Jostein wrote: "Here is my Pacer from the high North, still running between the fjords of Western Norway."

Submitted 28 May 2000.
Paul Caudell's Pacer
Paul Caudell's Pacer
213. "Here are two pictures of my 75 Pacer. I am 15, and I did all the body work myself. All my friends pick on me about it but my after I installed my stereo system (wich is more powerful the the 6-cyl in the car), they now fear the Pacer. I entered it in the car show we had in town and I was able to get 3rd." -Paul Caudell

Submitted 17 June 2000.
The Bornemanns' blue Pacer
The Bornemanns' blue Pacer
The Bornemanns' silver Pacer
The Bornemanns' green Pacer
The Bornemanns' green Pacer
The Bornemanns' green Pacer
214. These are pictures of Bastian Bornemann's Pacers in Germany. The stats: "The blue Pacer [1st 2 pictures]: 1980 Pacer hatchback, very good condition, 4.2 liters 6-cylinder, limited;
The silver Pacer [3rd picture]: D/L, 5.0 liters V8, bad condition, will be restored, centerline wheels, drives very good;
The green [4th and 5th pictures]: 1979 Pacer wagon, very good condition, 4.2 liters 6-cylinder, D/L.

"These are only 3 of our 5 Pacers. We also have one '76 red Pacer -- perfect -- and one golden V8 will be finished in about a year. A few days ago we bought an 1981 Eagle... Perhaps soon a Gremlin."

Submitted 6 July 2000.
A. Hart's Pacer ASCII art
215. A. Hart continues the grand tradition of Pacer ASCII art with this masterpiece.

Submitted 1 August 2000.