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Displaying entries 226-230 of 364 total.
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Vergenbuurg's drawing
Vergenbuurg's drawing
226. "Here are some pictures I drew. What do you think? The New Pacer [the first picture] came to me after I saw a New Beetle. The other drawing [the second picture] is on the side of notes I took during a really long day of history class. (I doodle a lot during class.)" -Vergenbuurg

Submitted 11 September 2000.
Molly Kuenzi's family's ex-Pacer
Molly Kuenzi's family's ex-Pacer
Molly Kuenzi's family's ex-Pacer
Molly Kuenzi's family's ex-Pacer
Molly Kuenzi's family's ex-Pacer
227. "Talked with Molly Kuenzi (a friend) here at college -- turns out her parents used to have a red base model '77 Pacer Wagon! She tracked down a few old photos of it. It was in an accident at one point, but they drove it 'til it fell apart." -Tim Hansen

Submitted 23 September 2000.
Charlton Mass. junkyard Pacers
228. Steve found these four Pacers in a junkyard in Charlton, MA.

Submitted 27 September 2000.
Pacers on the side of the road
Pacers on the side of the road
229. "Two Pacers found on the side of the road. '75 aztec copper Pacer X with red and white interior. '78 6 cyl. sport package Pacer with powder blue over captain blue metallic two tone paint." -Steve

Submitted 27 September 2000.
Bill Davenport's Pacer
Bill Davenport's Pacer
Bill Davenport's Pacer
230. Owner: Bill Davenport, age 17
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
1976 Pacer

"The orange of the picture looks a little light compared to the cars actual color. I bought the car as is for $1500 Canadian. I bought the car new door panels and installed a cd player. The story behind the car was that it was stolen and sat on a police lot for a long time, leaving it with low miles and excellent shape. Last week i got an orange '76 ball for the antenna; it suits the car quite well." -Bill Davenport

Submitted 30 September 2000.