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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 271-275 of 364 total.
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Stevie's red wagon
271. Stevie submitted this photo of his '77 Pacer wagon. It was for sale when he submitted the picture on 7 June 2002.

Updated 10 March 2003:
"A friend talked some sense into me that I should keep it. Since then, I've gotten in a car accident. One day on a slick road, there was a random stop of the cars on front of me. Going 60, you know how sucky Pacer brakes are. Well, due to the sheer mass I rear-ended a 1999 Kia Spectra and tore it all to ****. I took some pictures of the accident site, but at current cannot find them. I will send them soon.

"Anyway, The right side of the Pacer clipped the left of the Kia (it hit the car and kept on going), and the hook-like protrusion on the back bumper ripped the Kia door open and flattened the tire and busted a strut, among other things. It had to be towed from the site. The almighty Pacer (a.k.a. The Fantastic Death Machine) was OK. The front turn signal lens had a series of tiny cracks and the rear bumper was bent out straight. At home I removed the bumper and slammed it into the ground a few times and bent it back. Otherwise, I haven't done anything.

"After the Kia got extensive body work and a trip to Wal-Mart for some new hubcaps, I saw it again, and it was looking good. It was a strange coincidence -- 30 miles from the accident site, and I was behind it again. You should've seen how fast it went at the green light!

"No stories from the performance front. I beat a Nissan 240 something, but lost to a V6 camaro the same day." -Stevie
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
Jeremy's perfect '76
272. Jeremy's perfect '76 Pacer.

Submitted 10 June 2002.
Dick Teague's Pacer pickup
273. "This is Dick Teague's own customized Pacer pickup truck. This truck was customized to show AMC brass the Pacer could be used for a variety of purposes including a utility vehicle. The car last I heard is still in the Daryl Starbird Collection, who is one of the legends of customizing like Barris, his museum is located in Oklahoma, and he designed the Spacer Pacer bubbletop car also shown in your photos. Neither are for sale, display only." -Eddie Stakes

Submitted 12 June 2002.
Gerhard Gustange's Pacer from Mexico
274. "This is a Mexican 1976 Pacer coupe from Mexico City that is equipped with the hard-to-find, was-not-available-in-the-US 282-6 cylinder engine. Owner Gerhard Gedrange, Jr. drove this wonderful vehicle to the Houston AMC Nationals in the summer of 2001. The car drew crowds all day, especially curious AMC fans who had never seen the south of the border 282-6. If there was a way to import these desirable Big AMC Sixes, there would be a huge demand for them. In fact any Auto Zones here in Houston stock most parts for the VAM 282-6." -Eddie Stakes

Submitted 12 June 2002.
Black coupe from Germany
275. A Pacer owner in Germany submitted this photo of his 1976 Pacer X.

Submitted 18 June 2002.