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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 46-50 of 364 total.
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Tim Hansen's Article Teaser
46. A front page teaser for "Horror Stories from the Car-Buying World", an article Tim Hansen wrote for the Walworth County Week.
4x4 Pacer
4x4 Pacer
47. "These are pictures of an owner-built 4x4 Pacer registered in Arizona. Photographed by Pascal Monney on his Pacer Pilgrimage." -Tim Hansen

On 14 May 2004, the owner of this Pacer wrote in with the following information:
"The photos were taken in Ely, NV at the Silver State Challenge. The 4x4 Pacer has a 360 V-8 '70 Blazer front and rear ends, and a '74 International 4-speed with transfer case. The bumpers are Pacer, but doubled (bottom to bottom). There is no sub-chassis -- it is all Pacer with the rear end bolted as usual. The front was beefed up with 4-inch angle iron. The inside has custom upholstery with a scene embroidered on the top of the front seats. The car has been in 3 major publications: AMC world clubs, NAMDRA, and J. C. Whitney (inside front cover; the wife's '71 Javelin was on the front cover).

"My brother-in-law GAVE it to me in 1982. It was converted but had a 6-cyl. engine and a 3-speed transmission. I put the V-8 in and did the rest of the work. The TYLRMD license plate stands for Taylor (my brother-in-law's name), MD (my initials); hence TYLRMD. Also, it has never been down more than a week in all the years I have owned it, and it will never be sold." -Marlin "Dude" DeVoe, Kingman, AZ
The Mysterious Disappearing Pacer
48. "According to Pascal, this vehicle (registered overseas) had to disappear in 1996. I don't know if that means moved, squished, or abducted by aliens. Nice looking pic of a '79 or '80 wagon though." -Tim Hansen
Pascal Monney's Pacers
49. "Pascal's Pacers. I believe the brown one's a '77 and the grey one is a '79. Pascal seems to be on a mission to find all the Pacers in Europe." -Tim Hansen
Pascal Monney's Pacer
Pascal's Pacer
50. "Another shot of Pascal's daily driver '79. Note the neato AMC flag attached to the aerial." -Tim Hansen