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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 124-129 of 364 total.
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Hamburg Pacer
124. This is "a black-and-white photo of a shiny black AMC Pacer, although it's *sigh* not my own. I fell in love with the Pacer when I was visiting Florida as a five year old. Years later I saw a Pacer in my home town, Hamburg. I did not waste a minute, took a picture and never had to make awful drawings again when asked what my favourite car was. Now I'll refer people to the Pacer page...

"BTW: I never watched Wayne's World (shame on me), but that's because nobody told me it features a Pacer! ;)" -Alexander Svensson

Mudd's Pacer
125. "Just wanted to share the good news with someone!!! I got myself a '77 Pacer wagon! Yeahhhhhh..." -Mudd

126. GK55 was kind enough to provide this image of the adorable "Love Pacer" button from the 70s.
Iceland Pacer
127. This picture comes from Hilmar Karlsson in Iceland. A friend of his bought the car a few years ago for the sole purpose of travelling across the country for a party. Unfortunately, he sold it in the spring of 1999... but notice the way-cool Wayne's World paint job!
Bad side of Brandon Ankeny's car 1
Bad side of Brandon Ankeny's car 2
128. "I stopped and chatted with Brandon back in February, and took some pictures. This is the rarely-seen 'bad' side of his Pacer. Notice the van in the background. That is Nationwide Clyde, my van. Also note the vacuum." -Tim Hansen
The Pacer Page Pacer on the road!
129. "The Pacer Page Pacer somewhere in Kentucky. Taken during my 1997 trip to Oregon." -Glen Hoag