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The Photo and Image Archives

Displaying entries 28-33 of 364 total.
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Philip Taggart's Pacer
28. As of the summer of 1996, this was Philip Taggart's Pacer. At that time, he was willing to donate this car to the mistress of this site, but unfortunately, the logistics just didn't work out.

A more recent Pacer owner, Shaun Boyd swears that this is the very Pacer he purchased!

Boston Eagle 93.7 FM's Pacer!
29. This is the Pacer of the road crew Boston's Eagle 93.7 FM. Bostonians definitely have a spirited Pacer on their roads to gaze upon. Thanks to Dave Virden at Eagle 93.7 Promotions for contributing!
Mudd's Space Pacer
30. Space Pacer! Another one of Mudd's great Pacer sketches.
AMC Brochure Series (Photo 1)
AMC Brocure Series (Photo 2)
AMC Brocure Series (Photo 3)
AMC Brochure Series (Photo 4)
AMC Brochure Series (Photo 5)
AMC Brochure Series (Photo 6)
31. Pictures from the 1977 Product Sales brochure, from Howard T. Perry's now-defunct AMC Brochure Series site, which contained all 36 pages of the brochure! (photos supplied by Roger Elmore, harvested by Tim Hansen).
Brandon Ankeny's Green Pacer
32. "Never before seen on the Internet, this Pacer belongs to Mr. [Brandon] Ankeny. This Pacer is dark green with a spoiler, rear bumper, and rear axle reportedly lifted from a Gremlin. He bought this car for $250 and is worried that transmission problems may lead to its junking." -Tim Hansen
Brandon Ankeny's Green Pacer (Shot 2)
33. A second picture (the good side) of the green Pacer above, provided directly by Mr. Ankeny himself.