Famous Pacers in Movies
(Movie titles link to Internet Movie Database entries.)
- Wayne's World, 1992 and Wayne's World 2, 1993.
- The AMC Pacer is best-known to many, especially those of the generation
since years of production, as "the mirth-mobile", Garth's car in the
1992 comedy Wayne's World. Most will remember that the Pacer's exterior was
baby blue adorned with flames, and the interior was accessorized with a licorice
dispenser. A scene in the movie trailer shows Wayne driving the car recklessly
and damaging it, but this scene was cut from the actual film. Wayne and Garth do,
however, visit a shop for repairs in the movie. A Pacer limousine is featured in the
1993 sequel. Check out the Pacer Photo & Image Archives
for pictures of the cars used in the filming of the movies.
"But, has anyone spotted the Pacer wagon? The wagon
belongs to the girl who looks like Garth that works at city hall. It appears in
Wayne's World 2 in two scenes.
- Short shot between scene changes of the Aurora, IL City Hall, parked
along the curb is a Pacer Wagon.
- At the end of the movie when Wayne goes to 'rescue' Cassandra, the girl
comes to Waynestock, she is seen in the background (behind Garth) coming
from a yellow/brown Pacer wagon. She then says 'Hi', Garth says 'I'm busy'
or something similar. She says 'I just wondered if you needed anything from
the office', and he says 'That's a UNIX book... cool.'"
-Shaun Boyd
Stills from Wayne's World
Stills from Wayne's World 2
Friendship! 2010.
- After the fall of the Berlin Wall, two Germans travel from New York to San Francisco with only $55,
a journey that involves hitchhiking in a yellow Pacer wagon.
- Thanks to Dirk Jakob for the sighting.
Adventureland, 2009.
"A Pacer coupe... is driven by the lead acress. It was awesome to see." -Peter
- Norbit, 2007.
- The dance instructor owns a Pacer.
Thanks to Tim Bialecki for this sighting.
- The Year of Getting to Know
Us, 2007.
- "There will be a pacer in [this movie].
The car belonged to my father David C. MacClinchy who passed away a few years ago. The car's name is Sweet Pea,
because of its color. It is featured as the St. Patrick's Day car." -Penny Baker
Sweet Pea is featured in the
Photo & Image
- Running With Scissors, 2006.
- "There is a scene where main character Augusten Burroughs (Joseph Cross) is running through a bus station
trying to catch a bus before it leaves (I shall avoid saying why so as to avoid ruining any plot). When he is
running towards the camera you can see a Pacer on the left. It's grey, and while he is running he starts
slowing down. There is someone getting into the driver's door and you can see it while Augusten is standing
still watching the bus pull away." -Charlie Gravelle
- The Cookout, 2004.
- "[In the movie trailer] there was a quick shot of a couple of guys standing in front of a dark red AMC Pacer."
-Matt T.
- The Whole Ten Yards, 2004.
- "There is a Pacer at the motel where they stay at when they come back from Mexico.
It is in there 3 or 4 times." -Kevin Tanner
Rafael Tellez Giron added that it's a red Pacer with white interior, with a sunroof. John also reported
this famous Pacer sighting.
- Starsky & Hutch, 2004.
- "There are at least two Pacers in [the movie]. One of them is featured prominently (well,
they shoot at it, and shoot out the back window), and the other is just in the background."
-Aaron Schwartz
- Confidence, 2003.
- "In several scenes, I'm pretty sure there is a red Pacer parked in front of an offshore bank."
- Men in Black II, 2002.
- "I noticed a black Pacer with tinted windows in the background of the video
they play at the beggining of the movie and once later in it. It is the vehicle
that the Men in Black from that time drove." -Parker Rome
Thanks also to Phlan Jampton and Bobby Green for spotting this one.
- Firestarter 2: Rekindled, 2002.
- Dennis Hopper was driving a red Pacer. Thanks to Jon Eisen for spotting this one.
- Dead Above Ground, 2002.
"One of the characters (played by the producer Stephen J. Cannell of 'A Team',
'Wise Guy', etc. fame) drove my car, the same Pacer woody wagon that was in
'Lost & Found.'" -Lisa De Alva
- Beethoven's 3rd, 2000.
- "A couple of bumbling crooks own a yellow Pacer that gets trashed in the movie."
-A. Hart
Judge Reinhold character: "Did you find anything useful in there?" [referring to the pacer]
Police Officer: "Just fifty empty coffee cups. The car is a piece of junk."
Judge Reinhold: "Well, we know that."
(Dialogue captured by Steve Panhorst.)
Matt Kessinger added the following comment about the preview for the movie:
"The driver apparently was distracted for some reason by the dog, and it began to
swerve, hit things, and finally ended up hitting a cement truck and being buried in
just that: cement :(."
Jesse had this to add:
"Upon countless hours of boredom at work and a large quantity of unrented
copies of Beethoven's 3rd, a panelist of Pacer experts (me and Scott...a
coworker) have decided that there are 2 different yellow Pacers! I could be
wrong, but if you get it in slow motion it looks like a nice Pacer that has
been restored is driving up, and when it loses control and heads for the cement
it looks identical... to the untrained eye but a few subtle differences like
one has an antenna another one doesn't... Maybe I'm just seeing things too."
- Lost & Found, 1999.
- "Sophie Marceau's (Lila Dubois) character drives a Pacer."
-Liz Gay. Update from Lisa De Alva: "I work as a property mistress in the film
industry and it is my wagon that was used in [the movie]... my car is butter
yellow with 'wood' paneling."
- Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace, 1999.
- "I was startled NOT to find a very obvious Pacer connection in a VERY famous,
recent movie.
"Come on, Pod rACER! Obviously one more of Lucas's veiled references.
"While Annakin's Pod Racer is obviously a fiberglass dune buggy body from an
old Beetle, if you look carefully, there is an alien in the pod race that
has a Pacer! It has no wheels or headlights, and it's floating a few feet
above the ground, and the glass has been removed (actually the whole roof is
missing) and it has floating engines in front of it, but look carefully,
it's there." -Greg Stamper
- House on Haunted Hill, 1999.
- "A red pacer can be seen in the House on Haunted Hill, 1999. As all the guests
arrive at the House, Chris Kattan has it parked in the background. He walks
back to it and turns the lights off or something."
Thanks to Rafael Téllez Girón for also spotting
this Pacer in the Mexican version of the movie, La residencia del mal.
- Last Night, 1998.
- The main character of the Canadian film Last Night drove a red Pacer
sedan. Unfortunately, the Pacer used in the movie was injured quite severely.
Image courtesy of ArcticBoy.
- Mr. Headmistress, 1998.
- A friend of the main character, Tucker, drives a red Pacer wagon in this Disney
TV movie. At one point, they attempt to sell stolen license plates out of the rear hatch.
- Good Burger, 1997.
- The Pacer featured in the movie Good Burger featured a giant hamburger
affixed to the hood, a soda cup top attached to the roof, pickle slices for
hubcaps, french fries for wipers, and giant red arrows. It is now owned by
the International Hamburger Hall of Fame
in Daytona Beach, Florida. Image courtesy of ArcticBoy.
- The Sore Losers, 1997.
- A lime green Pacer appeared in this indie film "in a weird face off with a UFO
powered '55 Chevy," according to ads.
Tim Hansen had the following to add: "I've seen the movie! Darin Dubinsky, the guy I
sold my Pacer to, has it on DVD. There's really a surprising amount of
Pacer in it, and I'm pleased to report it doesn't get a scratch on it. It's
owned by Satan, in the film represented as the mother of all amazons, and
she's proud of her machine. It is a very strange movie. Involves a lot of
bizarre apocalyptic imagery and the killing of hippies. And also a topless
woman who power-lifts a motorcycle. But don't say I didn't warn you."
- A Face to Die For, 1996.
- "Yasmine Bleeth plays a terribly disfigured woman who undergoes plastic surgery and
changes her life. There is a scene of her arriving home, pre-operation, and she pulls up
in a Pacer coupe." -Steve Gidlow
- Mother, 1996.
- "This is a story about a [son who moves back in his mother after his second divorce],
and a Pacer was spotted in one scene. She is driving a car with her son in
the passenger seat, and she's driving around a grocery store parking lot.
She doesn't seem to realize that she's driving around the lot in circles
over and over again, and the son keeps saying 'Mom, we're going around again,
Mom. Mom!' During these 3 or 4 revolutions centered in the camera view is
a green Pacer coupe." -Shaun Boyd

- The Pallbearer, 1996.
- "Pall Bearer practically stars a maroon pacer. I think it
breaks down. It doesn't have any hubcaps, and the guy from Friends [David
Schwimmer] drives it around." -Jesse
Some dialogue from the movie:
Gwyneth Paltrow's character: Weren't all these recalled?
David Schwimmer's character: No, that was the Pinto.
GP: I don't think we're gonna make it.
DS: Are you kidding me? This thing's running like a top.
(Next shot - They're stranded on the side of the road.)
- A Goofy Movie, 1995.
- The animated Goofy drives a very Pacer-like car in this Disney movie. Read the
story of a family whose Pacer posed
for A Goofy Movie.
See more pictures in The Pacer Page Photo & Image Archives.
Images courtesy of ArcticBoy.
- Mr. Holland's Opus, 1995.
- A yellow Pacer can be briefly spotted parked on the side of the road in one of the
driver's ed scenes in this movie.

- Chasers, 1994.
- Tom Berenger's character, on SP duty, must escort a female prisoner who tries to escape at every
opportunity. At one point, she attempts to escape at a truck stop in an early model olive
green Pacer. She fails, crashing the Pacer.
- Super Mario Bros., 1993.
- This movie features a modified white Pacer coupe in some street scenes. Sighting and images
courtesy of Brian Holz.
- Beethoven, 1992.
- "During the scene where the mother is arguing with the babysitter, a blue Pacer
can be spotted in the parking lot." -A. Hart
Thanks also to Paolo Carpenè, Jan Griffith Jr., and A. Hart for reporting this famous Pacer.
- Motorama, 1991.
- "This is one of those obscure movies destined for cult
status. A 10-year-old kid takes off cross-country in a stolen Mustang trying
to collect all the pieces in a gas-station contest. It's wonderfully
surreal at times (all the states and places are fictional, including maps,
license plates, and money) and the humor is decidedly dark (it's not for
kids). Anyhow, in one scene, a white Pacer is inside one of the
gas-stations. The attendants do work on it and you get some pretty close
details of Pacer mechanicals. I caught it on Bravo last night. If you find
it on cable, watch it. Worth every minute."
-Tim Hansen

- Pizza Man, 1991.
- "Michael Dukakis" drives around Bill Maher's character, "Elmo" in a white early
model Pacer coupe.
Some dialogue from the movie:
Michael Dukakis: How do you like my car? Great visibility, eh? These Pacers are great --
spacious, compact, handle well, great visibility -- can't understand why they didn't catch on.
- The Spirit of '76, 1990.
- A "beautiful yellow pacer played a large role in the comedy Spirit of 76.
This is the car that made me fall in love with pacers, superior even to the famous
'Mirth Mobile'." -Greg Sattler
Some dialogue from the movie:
Mr. Johnson: Look what your mother and I just bought.
Mrs. Johnson: Isn't it a beauty?
Chris: Sure is... wide.

- Casual Sex?, 1988.
- Stacy (Lea Thompson) and her friend Melissa (Victoria Jackson) are on their
way to a vacation at a health resort. They jump in Stacy's car, none other than
an early model blue Pacer coupe. Just as she starts the car, the muffler blows,
and they have to take the bus.
- Johnny Be Good, 1988.
- "Back in the 80s there was a movie about a kid in high school being recruited
to play football in college. It was a pretty lousy comedy. Anyhow, his high school
coach had two yellow Pacers and a bunch of hairless chiuauas. It was really bizarre."
-Charles Walker

- Dead Man Walking, 1987.
- "I clipped a few good pictures of the custom Pacer Coupe pick up from the
movie Dead Man Walking. It has huge tires on it, but the best part is the big
fog lights mounted on the hood bumps that go over the head lights."
-Bob Wilson
Images courtesy of ArcticBoy. More pictures can be found on
ArcticBoy's site.
Modern Girls, 1986.
- The main characters played by actresses Virginia Madsen, Daphne Zuniga and Cynthia Gibb
are seen getting into a baby blue Pacer.
Thanks to Jenny Day for the pointer.
- Gung Ho, 1986.
- "I'm pretty sure that a maroon/red Pacer appears in the movie Gung Ho, in
which Micheal Keaton helps resuscitate a factory that builds Japanese cars (though actually,
the cars shown in the factory are FIATS!). The Pacer belongs to his girlfriend/wife."
-David G.
- Cobra, 1986.
- "[This is a] Stallone shoot-em-up action flick. Something involving
bikers with axes. Early in the film, they abduct a woman by chopping a hole
in the roof of her baby-blue early Pacer with said axes. Kinda grisly. For
the Pacer." -Tim Hansen
- True Stories, 1986.
- Main character Louis Fyne (John Goodman) drives a green Pacer coupe in this
Talking Heads comedy. (Thanks to Bob Wilson for the reference.)
- The Mean Season, 1985.
- "In the film The Mean Season, Kurt Russell is an investigative journalist tracking down
a serial killer. He went to interview someone that might have known the killer. This person
claimed that the two of them worked in the Kenosha factory making Pacers in 1976/77, and the
person that was alleged to have been the killer used to refer to the Pacer as a Kenosha Cadillac,
which I suppose underlines the car's luxury nature.
In retrospect it wasn't appropriate for
Consumer Union to compare the Pacer with the Rabbit, the VW Rabbit should have been compared
to cars like the Pinto, Vega and other smaller, more spartan cars. The Pacer had a different
mission, there was growing demand at the time for small luxury cars. Horsepower wasn't important,
but compact length and refinement was. Unfortunately no Pacer was shown." -Mark Cranswick
- Mask, 1985.
- "[This is] an 80s movie starring Cher, and in it for not more than about 20 seconds, a blue Pacer
Coupe drives by with what looks like a white vinyl roof." -Ryan Zihrul
- The Goonies, 1985.
- "I only saw the last bit of the movie and actually only stopped because I noticed
a Pacer in the background. All the kids are reuniting with their parents and there
is a grey and maroon Pacer in the backround. It is kind of behind a van of the same
colors. I am not sure if this is the only pacer appearance in the movie since i only
saw the very end."
-Bill Davenport
- A Nightmare on Elm Street, 1984.
- "I've always loved [this movie] and now I know why -- there's a Pacer in it! [It's] on the street
Nancy lives on; [it's] a blue 77 wagon with wood trim." -Steve
This famous Pacer sighting was also reported by Heather Bialecki.
- Smokey and the Bandit II, 1980.
- "Just before Sherrif Buford T. Justice gets his police car wedged in a drawbridge,
you can clearly see behind him in a few shots a very nice navy blue early Pacer coupe."
-Tim Hansen
Coma, 1978.
- "There is a good shot of a Pacer in the parking lot at the Jefferson Institute toward the end of the movie."
- Eyes of Laura Mars, 1978.
- A Pacer wagon appears prominently in this Faye Dunaway thriller. (Thanks to
Dr. Rafael Téllez Girón for the reference.)

- Oh, God!, 1977.
- A red Pacer wagon was featured in this well-known movie starring George Burns.
John Denver was the driver, and the interior car was flooded during the course of the movie,
when God (Burns) was trying to prove to John Denver's character that he was really God.
Image courtesy of ArcticBoy.
More images of this Pacer are available on
his web site.

- Car Wash, 1976.
- Jive-talkin' car wash employees cleaned a brown Pacer sedan, while a guy in a body
cast sits in the passenger's seat. (Thanks to Shashi Jain for spotting this one.)
- L'aile ou la cuisse ("The Wing or the Thigh" - France), 1976.
- "This is a comedy-movie about a father (Louis de Funes), famous 'gastronome'
writing guides on 'la bonne cuisine française', and his son (Coluche) whose dream
is to become a...clown. There's a clash between the two protagonists and blah blah
blah, happy end and all that sort of things. Guess what type of car the son is
driving? Boum! A Pacer! I do not really know the type but the interior is the
indian-like pattern stuff."
-Michael Bialkowski
- Un éléphant ça trompe énormément, 1976.
- This movie contains a Pacer. Thanks to Guilh Alric for spotting this one.
The Killer Elite, 1975. (YouTube)
- A scene in this movie depicts shooters on a rooftop, next to an AMC Pacer
introduction billboard, which is featured prominently throughout the scene.