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Goodies from ArcticBoy's Site

Bob Wilson a.k.a. "Arcticboy" has created a number of great AMC wallpapers, screen savers, and other creations and made them available on his site. I have mirrored the Pacer and general AMC items here. If you enjoy his work, please visit his site and let him know! He also has custom-made Pacer t-shirts for sale there.

Full Wallpaper (800 x 600 resolution)

Click on the thumbnail to view the full-sized image.
  • For Windows users, right-click on the full-sized image and select "Set as Wallpaper" (in Internet Explorer) or "" in Netscape Navigator. Alternatively, right-click on the full-sized image and select "Save As...", save the image as a bitmap (*.bmp) somewhere on your hard drive, then select the wallpaper in your Display Properties Control Panel. Make sure "Stretch" or "Center" is selected in your Display Properties to make the wallpaper fill your screen. (If you are a Windows 95 user, you will need the Plus Pack to use the "Stretch" option.)
  • For Macintosh users, click and hold the mouse button on the full-sized image and select "Save As...", and save the image as a JPEG (*.jpg) somewhere on your hard drive. In MacOS 8, open the picture in the Desktop Pictures Control Panel. (If you are using Macintosh System 7 or earlier, you will need an additional desktop picture utility to set a your background.)

Blue Pacer Vortex
Red, White and Blue Pacer Vortex
Space Shuttle Pacer
1979 Pacer Sedan Sales Brochure Drawing
Custom Pacer Pickup
Red and Yellow Pacer Front End Vortex
1975 Pacer from Chicago Auto Show Brochure
1975 Pacer Art Print

Tile-able Wallpaper Images

Full-sized images are shown below. To set as your wallpaper, use the directions above, but set the "Tile" property in your display settings.

Windows Screen Savers

The images below are screen shots of the screen savers. The pictures will move and bounce around your screen. To download, click on the thumbnail image and save the *.zip file on your hard drive. Unzip the archive to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and select it in the Display Properties Control Panel on the Screen Savers tab.

I've mirrored only ArcticBoy's PC screen savers here. If you would like Macintosh screen savers, check out his site.

Sound Files

These AMC and Pacer sound files are in WAV format. Bob Wilson got the Pacer clips from a Don Imus radio spot from 1976.

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