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Audio/Video Pacers

Most files are zipped to avoid bandwidth overage. Eventually, I plan to post these videos on YouTube or another centralized video hosting site.


Pacer is the Bubble Car (zipped MP3, 1,075 KB)
Pacer fan Stephen Meyer composed and recorded this original alt/pop/rock song about our beloved Pacers in late 2001. It was also featured on NPR's CarTalk on 12/13/2003 (Episode #350) as a music bed during a sponsorship announcement. It's fantastic - check it out!

As heard on Cactus Radio

Deirdre Flint - Then Again CD
I Miss the 70s (zipped MP3, 1,242 KB)
This is track one from Deirdre Flint's 2002 CD Then Again. A Pacer is the star of the second verse!
One spring we planned our vacation; June we'd be Grand Canyon-bound
On the night before the big day my Dad's Coupe Deville broke down
They were not to be dissuaded; they set out with iron will
Four of us in my mom's Pacer and my folks are married still
Deirdre kindly inscribed my CD with a tribute to Pacers as well -- click on the thumbnail image of her CD to see for yourself. She's a great folk artist. Check out her web site!

Tuneup on the Pacer (zipped MP3, 3,504 KB)
Comedian and crank-caller extraordinare Roy D. Mercer tries to get an auto repair shop to honor a bogus coupon for a tuneup and detail on his 1977 Pacer. To see what happens, download and listen...


AMC & Pacer Commercials and Films

Many thanks to Manny Athans for sharing a video containing these AMC and Pacer commercials from the '70s. (These videos are zipped RealMedia files. You need the free Real Player to view them.) From YouTube:

From ArcticBoy Bob Wilson's site:

  • Pacer Take-Apart: This is "a cool Pacer TV ad where they have a Pacer dressed up like a 75 Ford LTD. They remove the LTD panels one by one to reveal the Pacer underneath."
Todd Ruel collects AMC videos for use in his multimedia productions. He's been kind enough to share some if these rare films with us. Visit his web site Torq-O, containing lots of cool content on orphan cars.
  • 1975 AMC news film (Zipped Quicktime, 286 KB), a silent film featuring the then-new Pacer. From Todd Ruel: "AMC would send these films out by the truckload to TV stations across the country along with scripts for the anchor people to read. These films and scripts were meant to be ready-made news stories in case TV stations wanted to fill a minute or two in their newscasts."
  • 1977 AMC news film (Zipped Quicktime, 478 KB), with great Pacer footage and a fake interview with AMC's former Vice-President, Gerry Meyer.
  • NEW! 1974 WMAQ-TV Pacer news story (YouTube), chronicling the ailing economy's impact on the small manufacturing town of Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the eve of the Pacer's introduction.

Other Videos

A Change of Pace (YouTube)
Liquid Logic Films chronicles the story of the rise and fall of the Electric Pacer.

Speedvision's Psychocop Pacer Movie (zipped MPEG, 412 KB)
This "classic" commercial shows a Pacer that has been pulled over by a cop, who proceeds to berate the driver for owning such a car. The camera pans to show... well, you'll just have to see for yourself!

KPIX-TV (San Francisco) Pacer Feature Story - 28 January 2004 (zipped RealMedia, 13,275 KB)
Members of NORCAL AMCs were featured in this news story about the AMC Pacer. Nolan Dehner was the primary subject; unfortunately the reporter incorrectly stated both his last name and hometown - he lives in Windsor. The video footage was filmed in September 2003. Some pictures of the shooting appear here.

KARE-TV (Minneapolis) Pacer Feature Story - 11 July 2000 (zipped RealMedia, 18,109 KB)
Reporter Boyd Huppert did a delightfully fun Pacer feature for the evening news.

Top Gear Pacer Story (zipped RealMedia, 7,325 KB)
Pacer friends Bud Turner and Bobbie Mistretta and their Pacers Zippy and Sunshine were featured in this Top Gear story about the AMC Pacer. Top Gear is a British automotive television show on the BBC.

Pacer vs. Subaru (zipped Windows Media, 3,403 KB)
Brian created this short video comparing the AMC Pacer to the new Subaru wagons.

Pacer Wheelie (YouTube)
Harrel Lamkin's AMC Pacer gets some air at the green light on the drag strip.

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