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Replacing the Gear Shift Indicator Cord

Glen Hoag posted details about replacing a broken gear shift indicator cord with fishing leader to the AMC Pacer list. (6 December 1999)

From: Glen Hoag
Date: 6 December 1999

Replacing the cord for the shift indicator is not really that bad.

You'll need a six inch steel fishing leader.  I bought an assortment from
WalMart in Eagle Claw brand for $3 or so.  Modify the leader by cutting the
swivel from the loop at one end.  Leave the clip on the end of the leader
without the swivel.  Be sure not to cut the loop; this end will go over the
hook on the indicator lever.  I found that the loop was not quite big
enough to fit over the hook, so I cut the ferrule (crimp sleeve) back about
1/8" or so, taking care not to cut the leader.

To install the cord:
1. Pull the instrument panel bezel off and remove the access panel below
the steering column.  The hook will be visible at the bottom of the
instrument cluster, as well as the guide through which the cord must pass.

2. From below, feed the loop straight up and through the hole in the guide.
With a long nosed pliers (or some stiff wire bent into a hook), grab the
loop and push it over the hook on the indicator lever.

3. Attach the clip on the other end of the leader to the hook on the
steering column.  This hook is attached by a single screw.  The mounting
hole is slotted to enable adjustment.  Loosen the screw, set the indicator
to "P", and tighten. Run through the gears to ensure the indicator reads
correctly in all gears.  Adjust as necessary.

4. Replace bezel and access panel.

Step two is the trickiest one, but it can be done.  The alternative is to
pull the instrument cluster out, attach the cord, and reinstall.  In my
experience, reattaching the speedometer cable is worse than the procedure I
outlined above.

--Glen Hoag
                         '75 Pacer 258 (x2)
  Limestone County, Alabama         '76 Pacer 258 (for parts)
  AMO #7895  AMCPC #471             '82 Spirit 151

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